After some hot fun in the sun, your dog deserves a treat! Here are some fun DIY summer treats to make your pup!
1) Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt
1 cup nonfat plain yogurt
1/3 cup of peanut butter
1/2 large banana (mashed)
10 small bone-shaped dog treats (optional)
Combine all ingredients. Spoon into ice cube tray or small paper cups. Smooth tops. If desired, push dog treats into yogurt like Popsicle sticks. Freeze for at least two hours. Remove from tray or peel away paper cups.
2) Green Power Smoothie
1 cup of torn kale
1 cup of bagged frozen spinach (fresh is fine, too)
1 frozen banana
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1 1/4 cups water
1-2 tablespoons of honey (optional)
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth, adding a bit more water if necessary. Can be served in liquid form for maximum slurp or frozen into molds, then defrosted as a treat.
3) No Bake Mini Cake
Handful of Kibble/Dog Food
Small Banana (Smashed)
Scoop of Sugar-Free Peanut Butter
Combine ingredients. Place a bone shape (or any shape) cookie cutter on a plate. Fill the cookie cutter with the mixture. Freeze for 6 hours. Remove cookie cutter and serve!
4) Frozen Dog Treats
Baking mold or ice cub trays
Unsweetened frozen blueberries
Unsweetened frozen strawberries
Plain Yogurt
Peanut Butter (Sugar Free - ensure that there is no xylitol, as it is toxic to dogs)
For full recipe instructions, click here
5) Frozen Pumpkin Dog Treats
Plain Yogurt
Teaspoon of Honey
Smashed Banana
Combine all ingredients. Spoon mixture into ice trays or dog themed silicone molds. Freeze mixture for a couple hours, then serve.
6) Frozen Apple Dog Treat
Slice Two Applies (No seeds, no core)
Plain Greek Yogurt
Chop up the apples and toss them in a blender. Add a cup of plain yogurt with the water. Blend, pour the mixture in an ice tray, and freeze.
7) Peanut Butter & Jam Freezies
Peanut Butter
Blend strawberries with a splash of water, pour into ice tray, freeze, then spread with peanut butter
8) Blueberry Banana Frozen Treats
Plain Yogurt
Peanut Butter
Blend all ingredients in blender. Using muffin tins, pour the mixture in the muffin tins and freeze. Use a knife of pop them out once done.
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