As we are currently in the middle of the holiday season, some people might be tempted to feed their pets scraps from the table from holiday meals. Here is a list of foods safe and unsafe for dogs:
Grapes, Raisins, Walnuts, Almonds, Nuts, Gum, Chocolate, Alcohol, Avocado, Garlic, Onions, Coffee/Tea/Caffeine, Fat Trimmings and Bones, Any Fruit with Seeds or Pits (plums, peaches, etc.), Raw Eggs, Raw Meat and Fish, Sugary Foods and Drinks, Yeast Dough, Human Medicine (Unless prescribed and instructed by your vet), Salty Foods, Potato Skins and Raw Potatoes, Cherries, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, etc... If you are unsure if the food is safe, it's best to google it first or avoid it all together.
Safe, BUT...
Apples - Ensure to remove all seeds first
Oranges - As they are a sugary fruit, it's best to only give oranges in moderation
Strawberries - Also sugary, in moderation
Watermelon - Remove all seeds first
Cheese - In moderation, as most dogs are lactose intolerant and may have trouble digesting dairy
Green Beans - In moderation, unsalted - can lead to weight gain (they are very filling to dogs)
Carrots, Blueberries, Peanut Butter, Cooked Eggs, Plain Yogurt (No flavors or sweeteners), Lean Meat (Fully cooked, no bones, cut into easily digestible pieces, no fat),Celery, Corn, Cooked Rice, Lettuce
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