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Spa Services

We carry a wide variety of add-on spa services for your pet!

Nail Clipping - $10
Nail Buffing - $15
For nail clipping, we use a scissor type of nail clipper specifically designed for dogs. This is a great option to remove access length and make the process a little quicker for dogs who may be nervous about getting their nails done.
For nail buffing, we use a professional electric nail grinder to remove length and smooth out the edges of the nail. Buffing is the preferred method for getting as close to the quick (the nerves and blood vessels inside the nail) without cutting it. Nail buffing also typically lasts longer, leaving the nails shorter for longer.

Nail Painting - $5

                                       2-Step Dental - $10
It's estimated that 85% of all pets have periodontal disease by the time they are 3 years of age. Periodontal disease is a progressive disease of the supporting tissues surrounding teeth and the main cause of early tooth loss. Within days, minerals in the saliva bond with the plaque and form tartar. The bacteria work their way under the gums and cause gingivitis. Brushing your dog's teeth daily is a recommended way to prevent these diseases. When brushing your dog's teeth, always ensure to use toothpaste specifically made for dogs. Human toothpaste can be toxic to dogs. We offer a two-step dental treatment which includes a tooth-brushing and breath freshener spritz.

Tear Stain Removal Package w/ Facial Scrub - $10
Facials - $5
We currently offer three different types of facial scrubs - Cranberry Facial, Coconut Cabana Facial, and Blueberry Facial. Hypoallergenic and tearless head and face foaming cleanser. Formulated to clean and deodorize your dog's face and help remove tear-stains. 

                        Mud Bath - $ 10
Our Dead Sea Mineral Mud Bath has no parabens or chemical dyes. Formulated with aloe vera which helps heal allergic rashes, sunburn, insect bites, and minor abrasions. Hydrates and exfoliates the dog's skin to remove impurities and conditions the skin with valuable minerals 
                                      Argan Oil Treatment - $10
Rejuvenating Argan Oil rejuvenates and repairs dry and brittle coats. It restores smoothness, and gives new life to tangled, and damaged fur. Great for dogs with long hair/coats. We heat up Argan oil to create a hot oil treatment (temperature is safe for pets). 
Paw Pad Rejuvenation - $10 (includes Paw Scrub & Paw Bomb)
Paw Scrub - $5 (by itself)
Paw Bomb - $5 (by itself)
Re-hydrates and repairs dry, rough, cracked, or damaged paw pads

Shed Buster - $10 - $30
Our shed buster package is designed to help reduce shedding by blowing out the dog's under coat, using a special shedless shampoo and conditioner, and finishing by brushing out with the furminator. With a monthly shed buster treatment and daily brushing, your dog's shedding can be reduced by up to 90% with this treatment. 


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